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Version: 2.8

2.4.4 - July 2023

We are excited to announce the release of version 2.4.4 of platform. Here are some of the key updates:

🧩 Components version / Dependencies​

  • Olympe DRAW v2.4.4 / Runtime v9.4.4 / Orchestrator v7.1.3

If you are using coded bricks, see the corresponding package.json updates below.

Improvements and other new features​


This release requires a resetdb of the environment to get the new code as data.

  • BrickContext.waitFor() better handling of errors, in particular EmptyError ("no element in sequence").
  • Add a new properties for Data Sources:
    • restricted use: if activated, only the admin can interact with the data source (eg: transactions and queries). Typically used by backends in remote actions.
  • Use defaultHost parameter to replace required hosts:
    • Eg: In backends, set the "defaultHost" to <environment-name>-frontend.
  • Proper refresh of OAuth2 tokens, even after period of inactivity.
    • Automatic logout if the token has expired when the app wakes up after inactivity.
  • Query results will now be empty if the root instance of a query does not exist.
  • Error message reviewed when code of brick is not loaded properly.
  • Graceful shutdown with timeout: if the graceful shutdown is stuck for any reason, it times out and exit the process anyway after some time (10s by default).
  • Fix getting files content when running a local data source.

Marketplace 2.4.2​

  • MSSQL Connector: to be used with a static data model and database schema:
    • Provide the JSON schema in the oConfig of the backend running data sources with the MSSQL connector.
  • Core: new brick Shutdown app: to be used to shut down a service app, typically from a remote action.
  • New Error Flow outputs in Get File Content and Get Binary File Content bricks

CODE update​

If you are using coded bricks, please update your package.json file with the following dependencies:

// Dev dependencies:
"@olympeio/dev-tools": "2.4.0",
"@olympeio/draw": "2.4.4",

// Dependencies
"@olympeio/runtime-web": "9.4.4",
"@olympeio/runtime-node": "9.4.4",
"@olympeio/core": "2.4.2"
"@olympeio-extensions/... ": "2.4.2" // <-- version numbers of all extensions are increased