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Version: 2.8

Managing And Monitoring Olympe Instances

There are currently two different tools that will help you to act on your Olympe instances(s)

  • Infra-CI / Infra will allow you to manage and debug your application by executing some basic actions like restarting it, executing several jobs and checking the recent logs
  • Workflows will allow you to monitor your CI/CD by checking the results and the logs of your automated deployment workflows, as well as to execute them manually if needed

Managing And Debugging


Olympe instances are managed by Kubernetes. To understand some basic principles, we greatly encourage you to check some documentations or crash courses on how Kubernetes works. A good starting point for that could be the Kubernetes Crash Course For Absolute Beginners (by TechWorld with Nana)

Login to Infra

  • Go to Infra-CI / Infra, depending on which environment your instance is
  • Log in using your configured account by clicking on Log in with AzureAD
  • Select the only cluster in the list (infra-ci or infra) Infra Login

In the menu on the left, you will see all the different resources on which you can act. If you're familiar with Kubernetes, then the terms of Pods, Deployments, Jobs and CronJobs should sound familiar to you.


You can filter every resource by namespace using the dropdown at the top of the page

Check the recent logs

  • In the menu on the left, click on Workloads Pods
  • Locate the pod on which you want to check the logs
  • Click on the Infra Login icon at the right of the selected pod
  • Click on View Logs

Even if other operations are available in the menu, you will not be able to execute them

Restart Pods

  • In the menu on the left, click on Workloads Deployments
  • Locate the deployment matching the pod you want to restart
  • Click on the Infra Login icon at the right of the Deployment
  • Click on Redeploy

Even if other operations are available in the menu, you will not be able to execute them

Execute Jobs

  • In the menu on the left, click on Workloads CronJobs
  • Locate the Job you want to execute
  • Click on the Infra Login icon at the right of the CronJob
  • Click on Run Now

In this setup, most of the CronJobs are disabled, effectively functioning more as templates for Jobs rather than as CronJobs

Follow the job execution

  • In the menu on the left, click on Workloads Pods
  • Locate the Pod corresponding to the Job you want to follow
  • Click on the Infra Login icon at the right of the CronJob
  • Click on View Logs

Stop / Delete a Job execution

  • In the menu on the left, click on Workloads Jobs
  • Locate the Job corresponding to the Job you want to follow
  • Click on the Infra Login icon at the right of the Job
  • Click on Delete

Monitor Your CI/CD Workflows

Login to Workflows

Select the namespace

  • Select the workflows icon workflows on the left
  • On the left menu, set the namespace value to the one on which your workflow is running. There is currently no dropdown list so you will have to type it directly. The pattern is always the same: workflows-<client>-<project (if applicable)>. e.g. for client Olympe and a project called My Project: workflows-olympe-my-project. If you are struggling to find the namespace, please ask us on our Discord

Check the status / result of your CI/CD

  • Click on the name of the workflow

You can now access each steps of the workflow by clicking on it. You can check the status as well as logs and access other information about it

Resubmit A Workflow

  • Click on the name of the workflow
  • On the top left, click on Resubmit button
  • If applicable, override the parameters
  • Click on Resubmit

Submit A New Workflow

  • Select the Workflow Templates icon workflows on the left
  • Select the Namespace
  • Click on the name of the workflow template
  • On the top left, click on Submit button
  • Fill the parameters
  • Click on Submit