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Version: 2.10

Toolkit Reference

The Olympe toolkit (@olympeio/toolkit npm package) is the tool blended to handle operations with Olympe environments, in particular operations related to the code as data.

The toolkit is generally used as npm devDependency in the Olympe projects to build the appropriate code as data files (also named patches) and install or deploy them to your environment. The toolkit is also available in DockerHub as docker image to be used directly in jobs on your kubernetes cloud (for Saas or on-premise Olympe environments).

Execute toolkit commands

The toolkit is a CLI tool written in JavaScript that can either be installed globally or locally in your project, or be deployed on a docker/kubernetes environment.

Use the help command to know about existing commands:

To install the toolkit locally in your project, execute the following command in a terminal:

npm install --save-dev @olympeio/toolkit

or globally on your computer, available as a global binary:

npm install --global @olympeio/toolkit

To execute a command, use the following syntax:

npx olympe <command> [--<param> <value> ...]

For instance, use this to list the available commands:

npx olympe help

The list of commands and parameters can be found in the reference section.

To use the toolkit with docker, simply pull the `stable` version of the toolkit and run it using the same syntax as for `npm`:
docker run olympeio/toolkit:stable <command> [--<param> <value> ...]

For instance, use this to list the available commands:

docker run olympeio/toolkit:stable help

When using docker images, you can also provide parameters using the environment variables. This is typically used to define jobs to be executed on the instance with the right parameters and secrets injected. The list of commands and parameters can be found in the reference section.

To run a command using the toolkit locally installed as npm dev-dependency use this in a terminal:

npx olympe <command> [--<parameter name> <parameter value>, ...]

For each command, use the -h, --help parameter to see the detailed list of parameter to use in that command.

Code as data

When developing applications on the Olympe platform, developers combine and compose pieces of code, known as coded bricks, using DRAW to create processes and applications. The system generates data in a graph database, referred to as the composition database. While applications composed of brick assemblies offer many advantages over traditional source code files, they require tools to extract these assemblies, create library packages, and deploy them to other environments.

The term Code as Data designates everything that developers assemble in Draw and store in the database. This is code, but stored like data instead of being stored in text files. Hence, that code must be considered as part of the source code of projects built on Olympe.

The files that are used to store the code as data are json files and named patches.

Build Code As Data as Library

When building a library, it is important to only include the source code of that library without bundling the dependencies code. This a standard process when using javascript bundlers like webpack. The same approach must be applied with the code as data.

Use the buildCodeAsData command from the toolkit to build the snapshot folder of your project and configuration files. But make sure to specify the toolkit to only consider patches from the current project and not from dependencies:

npx olympe buildCodeAsData --codeAsData.mode project

This will generate all the patches with the appropriate configuration files for the project to be deployed on an environment in the dist/codeAsData directory.

`CodeAsData` folder

The dist is typically used as the base folder to store all files intended to be packaged and published on your/the NPM registry. As an Olympe library, the package.json file of your library must contain the specific codeAsData extra entry which indicates the path where to find the patches of your package:

"codeAsData": "codeAsData"

This informs the toolkit about which dependencies are Olympe projects and contain code as data, particularly when building a project for deployment on an environment.

Once the library is ready to be published on NPM registry, it typically looks like this:

`dist` folder for a library

and the package.json file should look like this:

`package.json` of a library to publish

Updating code as data

Once the images are built and deployed, it's crucial to update the code as data to reflect the changes in the environment. This is achieved by the deployment pipeline but can be executed manually using the update command from the toolkit. The update process requires the new patches to be deployed to the orchestrator volume, allowing it to compare these patches with the current state of the database.

To optimize the update process, the toolkit can utilize a changelog file generated by rsync when the new patches are deployed to the orchestrator. This file contains a list of patches that have been added, modified, or deleted, enabling the update command to accelerate the update process. If you prefer not to use the changelog file, you can disable it with the --no-update.useChangeLog parameter.

If the update process fails, the toolkit will attempt to rollback the applied patches to restore the database to its previous state. This can happen when patches have some errors or are incompatible with the current database state. The rollback process restores the patches from the last successful update or install, then calculates the differences between the current state and the last successful state to execute the rollback effectively.

The update can be performed in two modes:

Downtime mode (by default)

In Downtime mode, the orchestrator enters maintenance mode during the update, disconnecting all connected clients and temporarily halting application usage. Once the update is complete, the orchestrator returns to normal mode, allowing clients to resume using the application. This mode is recommended for development environments.

No Downtime mode

In No Downtime mode, the orchestrator remains operational during the update, allowing clients to continue using the application. However, during the update, the code as data is in read-only mode, meaning only business data can be modified. After the update, the application prompts users to refresh the page to load the updated code as data. This mode is recommended for production environments as it ensures minimal disruption and provides an opportunity to verify that the deployed code is functioning as expected before it is fully utilized. This is accomplished using the blue-green deployment strategy, which involves maintaining two sets of pods to separate the active and preview versions of the application. The active version remains accessible via https://$, while the preview version can be accessed at https://preview.$ Once the preview version is validated, it can be approved in the pipeline, promoting it to become the new active version.

To activate this mode, please contact your Olympe referent.

Toolkit command parameters

Shell parameterEnvironment variableTypeDefault valueDescription
--logLevel, -lLOG_LEVELstringinfologging level, one of debug, verbose, info, warn, or error. (Eg. olympe install --logLevel warn)
--help, -hbooleanfalsedisplay help for the current command
--saveLogsSAVE_LOGSbooleanfalsesave logs to a file under directory logs/
--codeAsData.workingDirstring./dist/codeAsDatarelative (to the project's root) path to the temporary directory used to store generated code as data
--codeAsData.modestringallspecify if the code as data to process is aimed to be used in a library package (only the code as data of the current project) or in a project to be deployed (including all the dependencies). Accepted values dependencies, project, all
--snapshot.excludeUsersSNAPSHOTER_EXCLUDE_USERSbooleanfalsewhether to exclude users from dump of business data
--snapshot.dumpBinariesbooleanfalsewhether to dump binary files while dumping business data
--snapshot.dataRootTagstring10000000000000000000what root tag to use to dump business data
--snapshot.userDataDirSNAPSHOT_USER_DATA_FOLDERstringuserssnapshot directory sub-folder to dump users
--snapshot.businessDataDirSNAPSHOT_BUSINESS_DATA_FOLDERstringdatasnapshot directory sub-folder to dump business data
--snapshot.repositoryDirstring/tmp/repositoriesdefine directory where the snapshooter can clone repositories if config contains git configuration
--snapshot.commitMessageSNAPSHOT_COMMIT_MESSAGEstringSnapshot at {date} in {folder}define a commit message for snapshot
--snapshot.dirstring./snapshotrelative (to the project's root) path to the directory containing the project's snapshots
--versionFileNamestringversion.jsonName of the file containing the project's Draw/Framework versions
--runningInDockerbooleanfalseglobal option to set whether the Olympe Toolkit is running inside a docker image. Primarily used when calling the install command on local environment to determine whether to copy the patches inside the docker container or not .
--jsonConfigjsonset the commands configuration via a JSON config
--downloadFolderstring/tmp/toolkitpath to the temporary download folder used during update command.
--user.tagDRAW_USERTAGstring014831d95fd7d12b8568tag of the user to update (command updateUser)
--user.nameDRAW_USERNAMEstringadminnew username to set for the specified user.tag (command updateUser)
--user.passwordDRAW_PASSWORDstringadminnew password to set for the specified user.tag (command updateUser)
--import.debugLOAD_PATCHES_DEBUGbooleanfalsewhether the orchestrator will import patches in debug mode
--import.ignoreRelationFailIGNORE_RELATION_FAILbooleanfalsewhen importing patches, ignore relations that cannot be created because of the nodes missing
--import.backupUsersBACKUP_USERSbooleantruewhether to backup users before resetting the database when using install command
--import.backupBusinessDataBACKUP_BUSINESS_DATAbooleantruewhether to backup business data before resetting the database when using install command
--import.timeoutRESET_DB_TIMEOUTnumber3600000the timeout for importing all patches when using install command, in ms.
--orchestrator.hostORCHESTRATOR_HOSTstringlocalhostorchestrator http host
--orchestrator.portORCHESTRATOR_SERVICE_PORTnumber8080orchestrator http port
--orchestrator.userNameDRAW_USERNAMEstringadminuser for Orchestrator connection
--orchestrator.passwordDRAW_PASSWORDstringadminuser password for Orchestrator connection
--orchestrator.importOrderFilestringimport_order.jsonName of the file that specifies the import order of modules
--orchestrator.containerUserstringvertxuser which is used to copy patches inside of the orchestrator container
--orchestrator.codeAsDataDirstring/patchesthe path to copy code as data folder in the orchestrator container. Used exclusively when the toolkit is not running in a container.
--bus.protocolstringamqpprotocol used for bus communication
--bus.hostnameRABBITMQ_HOSTstringlocalhosthost for bus communication
--bus.portRABBITMQ_PORTnumber5672port for bus communication
--bus.usernameRABBITMQ_ORCHESTRATOR_USERstringguestusername used to connect to the bus
--bus.passwordRABBITMQ_ORCHESTRATOR_PASSWORDstringguestuser password used to connect to the bus
--bus.vhostRABBITMQ_ORCHESTRATOR_VHOSTstring/virtual host used for any communication sent on the bus
--bus.commandsQueueRABBITMQ_ORCHESTRATOR_COMMAND_QUEUEstringCOMMAND_QUEUErabbitmq queue used for commands sent to the orchestratr
--bus.commandsExchangeRABBITMQ_ORCHESTRATOR_COMMAND_EXCHANGEstring""rabbitmq exchange used for commands sent to the orchestrator
--bus.deploymentQueueRABBITMQ_ORCHESTRATOR_DEPLOYMENT_QUEUEstringSERVICE_DEPLOYMENTqueue used to send Orchestrator deployment commands
--bus.deploymentExchangeRABBITMQ_ORCHESTRATOR_DEPLOYMENT_EXCHANGEstringORCHESTRATOR_BROADCAST_EXCHANGEexchange for Orchestrator deployment commands
--bus.commandTimeoutRABBITMQ_ORCHESTRATOR_COMMAND_TIMEOUTnumber600000timeout applied for standard commands sent to the orchestrator (in ms)
--update.useChangeLogUPDATE_USE_CHANGELOGbooleantruewhether to use a changelog file to accelerate the database update process (can be negated using --no-update.useChangeLog)
--update.changeLogNamestringchange_log.txtname of the file giving the patches change log
--update.excludeTagsUPDATE_EXCLUDED_TAGSstring[]list of tags of projects/folders to exclude from the check of the update command. In a development environment, the appropriate value is to put all the tags of projects that are snapshot in that environment.
--update.includeTagsUPDATE_INCLUDED_TAGSstring[]list of tags of projects/folders should be included from the check of the update command, even though one of their ancestor in the Draw hierarchy has been excluded using the --update.excludeTags option.
--update.noDowntimeUPDATE_NO_DOWNTIMEbooleanfalseif true, the update will be done without downtime. This should be activated only for production environments.

Toolkit Reference

CommandTypical useDescription
helpN/ADisplay the list of available commands with the toolkit, as well as the associated parameters
snapshotDocker: scheduled CI/CDDownload and save the code as data into patches (json files) from a deployed environment
buildCodeAsDataNPM: within CI/CDFrom the project snapshot files and its dependencies, build the dist/codeAsData folder containing all the patches required to build/deploy the project to an environment
updateDocker: Olympe cloud jobUpdate the graph database containing the code as data of an environment to be aligned with the patches deployed to the orchestrator.
codeAsDataReadModeSub-command of updateSet Orchestrator code as data read mode to true/false
broadcastRefreshAppSub-command of updateBroadcast a message to refresh the application for all connected users
installDocker: Olympe cloud jobClean and Install the content of patches deployed to the orchestrator. /!\ This command starts by clearing the whole composition database, so it must be used with caution.
snapshotUsersSub-command of installSave users and their Draw permissions of an environment to patches (mainly as sub-command in process of install)
restoreUsersSub-command of installRestore patches generated with command snapshotUsers to the database (mainly as sub-command in process of install)
snapshotBusinessDataSub-command of installSave business data (business objects visible in Runtime Data Set of projects), stored in the "Embedded graph database" of an environment to patches (mainly as sub-command in process of install)
restoreBusinessDataSub-command of installRestore patches generated with command snapshotBusinessData to the database (mainly as sub-command in process of install)
dependenciesNPM: manuallyList all npm dependencies from node_modules folder which contain some code as data
updateUserDocker: Olympe cloud jobUpdate the username and password of the admin user
maintenanceDocker: Olympe cloud jobActivate/Deactivate the maintenance mode of the orchestrator. When activated, ensures that all connected clients to the orchestrator are disconnected.
getUpgradeConfigDocker: during deploymentGenerate the configuration for the upgrade tool to apply upgrade script on the composition database. Used by the code as data deployment workflow to automatically upgrade the language version from one major version to another.
startGCDocker: Olympe cloud jobRequest the orchestrator to garbage collect useless files in file and backup services
statsDBReturn information about the composition database