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Version: 2.10

File Connectors for Data Sources

This system provides a standardized approach to managing file storage operations across different backends. Each data connector includes a default file connector, and custom implementations can be added as needed by extending the FileConnector class present in Core.

Key methods of FileConnector:

  • uploadFileContent(fileTag, dataType, binary): Uploads binary data to storage.
  • downloadFileContent(fileTag, dataType): Retrieves binary data using a file tag.
  • deleteFileContent(fileTag, dataType): Deletes files from storage.

Configuration properties, such as file paths or credentials, can be accessed via the getConfig(key) method. Custom file connectors need to be registered in the FileConnectorsRegistry. For example:

(configGetter) => new CustomFileConnector(configGetter)

Local Disk File Connector

The local disk file connector stores files directly on the server’s file system.

  • To use this, add a filePath property to the data connector configuration:
"data": {
"host": "<host>",
"user": "<user>",
"password": "<password>",
"database": "<database>",
"schema": "<schema>",
"filePath": "<file path>"

Azure Blob Storage

To store files in Azure Blob Storage instead of the default file storage location, you need to update the oConfig file with specific properties.

Steps to Enable Azure Blob Storage
  1. Add the file_connector Property

    • To change the file storage from the default location to Azure Blob Storage, add the file_connector property and set it to "azureBlobStorage" in the oConfig file.
  2. Add the azure Object

    • Along with the file_connector property, add the azure object. This object contains the authentication type (authType) and the necessary properties required for Azure Blob Storage.
Configuration Example

Here is an example configuration for the oConfig file:

"file_connector": "azureBlobStorage",
"azure": {
"authType": "<authType> SAS, SASToken or SPN",
"blobUrl": "<blob-url>",
"container": "<container-name>",
"accountName": "<account-name>",
"accountKey": "<account-key>",
"tenantId": "<tenant-id>",
"clientId": "<client-id>",
"clientSecret": "<client-secret>",
"sasToken": "<sas-token>",
"pathFromRoot": "<optional-path-from-root>"
ParameterAuth TypeDescription
authTypeAllThe authentication type. Options: "SAS", "SPN", or "SASToken".
blobUrlSAS, SASTokenThe URL of the Azure Blob Storage endpoint (e.g., emulator or Azure URL).
containerAllThe name of the blob container where files will be stored.
accountNameSASThe name of the Azure Storage account.
accountKeySASThe access key for the Azure Storage account.
sasTokenSASTokenThe SAS token for accessing the blob container.
tenantIdSPNThe Azure Active Directory Tenant ID of the service principal.
clientIdSPNThe Client ID of the service principal.
clientSecretSPNThe Client Secret of the service principal.
pathFromRootAllOptional. Specifies a subfolder within the container for file storage.