OlympeEnumerationsGlobalPropertiesVersion: 2.10On this pageGlobalProperties Label of global properties used by convention through bricks and applications. Example of use: const transaction = context.get(TRANSACTION). The brick “Begin Transaction” push a transaction inside the context so it can be reused by other bricks before the “End Transaction” brick.Index Enumeration MembersEDITIONPRODUCTIONTRANSACTIONEnumeration Members EDITIONEDITION: __editionModePRODUCTIONPRODUCTION: __productionTRANSACTIONTRANSACTION: __transaction
Label of global properties used by convention through bricks and applications. Example of use:
const transaction = context.get(TRANSACTION).
The brick “Begin Transaction” push a transaction inside the context so it can be reused by other bricks before the “End Transaction” brick.