December 2021
🧩 Components version / Dependencies
- Olympe DRAW v1.17.0 / CODE v8.7.0 / Orchestrator v6.1.0
🧠 💡 Improvements/Bug fixes
Core Bricks
UI components are now based on Material UI, and new components are available: Camera, Media Player and Dialog
We can now make horizontal lists
We removed some deprecated (and unused) bricks
Our GitHub repository now includes the code of all Core bricks
Automatic generation of form components based on data types
We can now control which projects can be imported by other projects
You can now manage Remote Actions and Services as reusable bricks
You can now define Abstract Visual Component in order to create predefined sets of UI properties
DRAW performance and wizard pop-ups improvements
'Business Model' inside the Data Model have been renamed to 'Data Type'
Simplify the import and usage of external JS/TS libraries (e.g. npm)
Improved DRAW-CODE integration: call any brick from code
Simplified imports of external libraries
Improved API for UI bricks
Updated code skeletons for coded bricks
Updated tutorials
The Olympe Community is now open! Send us an email to be part of the revolution!
🚧 ⏳ What we are working on
Improved documentation and tutorials
🔎 Where to find us
In case you have questions …
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