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Version: 2.10

2.6.0 - March 2024

We are thrilled to introduce this March release. You'll enjoy the new additions to enhance your everyday experience with Olympe.

If you wish to get straight into the action, you can jump straight to here. For the changes included in this release, stick around and keep reading.

This video showcases all the major changes: Olympe Update : DRAW v2.6 Release : February 2024

Major changes

Maintainer Role and Protected Bricks

We are introducing a new role for project's users: the Maintainers. Targeting larger project teams, this new role gives more control on who can perform which changes.

Set the roles of your project's members

Maintainers can be set in the project's Users & Roles tab. They have the capacity to add or remove people from the project and change their roles.

  • Admin and Maintainer roles can add or remove people from the project. They can also change the roles of the project's members.
  • Developers can only see the list of project's members and their roles.
  • Viewers cannot see the list of project's members and their roles.

roles and permissions editor

Brick protection

Maintainers have the capacity to "protect" any brick, folder, visual component, etc... If an element is protected, then all its children elements are protected as well. This allows controlling which team members can make change in more critical parts of a project. A protected brick can only be modified by maintainers. Developers are like viewers: they can still use and see the brick content, but they cannot modify it.

protected bricks

Protected bricks are marked with a shield icon.

Folders can be protected as well. When a folder is protected, all bricks recursively contained in that folder get protected as well. This is a way to protect a whole set of critical items of a project at once.

List Usages enhancements

We heard your (many) feedbacks about the "List Usages" capability of our platform. This release comes with an improved way to display the usages and navigate inside your projects.

New List Usage Popup

List usage popup reviewed

  • Usages are grouped by project and location
  • Filter usages by project
  • Search in the usages list (fuzzy search)

List usage from any editor

Now you can quickly list usages of an element you are currently editing with the magnifier icon on the top right of the editor's view

usages from editor

Find more usages than before

  • List usages of data types and config data types, data properties and data relations
  • List usages of function signatures and abstract visual components
  • Correctly find usages of properties and events

List usage of data types

New "Listen UI Event" brick and Get/Set UI Property popup improvements

Listen UI Event brick

You can now listen to a UI event from other contexts than the event itself using the "Listen UI Event" and its output Control Flow

Listen UI Event

And last but not least, the Get/Set UI Property picker has been enhanced with the capacity to automatically create "Feed UI Property" and "Listen UI Event" bricks.

Get/Set UI Property picker Listen/Dispatch Event

Bug fixes and improvements

Olympe CODE and runtimes

  • Improve error messages to give more details and help developers resolve issues quickly

Olympe DRAW

  • Auto-focus the comment's text and datatype's titles when creating them
  • Sorting colors in dataset now takes alpha into account

Olympe CORE And Extensions


New bricks

  • Get IDP Names returns you the list of the IDP configured on the environment's orchestrator


  • The SQL Connector use a more relaxed isolation level: it went from "serializable" to "read committed"
  • The dialog component now have a close icon coming according to a boolean parameter
  • Get Object by Tag now outputs an Error Flow if the tag can't be found
  • Get platform info outputs a new boolean which indicates if the user is on a mobile device or not

Bug fixes

  • Apply theme on Alert & Confirm popups
  • Icon tooltip which was missing most of its properties, notably the onClick event
  • Labels now handles the font provided by the theme
  • Text Field When set to type "date", it would overlay the label with the date template. Now fixed.
  • Is string empty Now returns true even if no string at all is provided
  • Various sanity checks on bricks if the provided data was not of the expected types


Bug fixes

  • Apply theme on Start loading popup



Chart.js extension allows you to use most of the possibilities offered by the underlying homonym library. The previous implementation has been deprecated.

New bricks

  • Cartesian chart Displays two axes (x, y) charts.
  • Polar chart Displays pie, doughnuts, radar, polar area charts.
  • Map chart Displays maps (world map, countries map) to show data relevant per region.
  • Speedometer chart Offers a visual way to display a percentage.



Introduction of a new library that handles the device's camera to take pictures.

New bricks

  • Get Video Stream Retrieves the video stream of the user device.
  • Video Simple HTML video component that can display video streams.
  • Take picture Allows triggering the device to take a picture from the video stream (not mandatory to display it on the screen).
  • Zoomable panel Put the content you like in the Renderer, it allows zooming on pinch/scroll and moving around by drag & drop.
  • Get Image Size Retrieves the width & height of the provided image file.



New library providing capability to run Puppeteer on the backend.

New bricks

  • HTML to PDF Generates a PDF from provided HTML. Requires Puppeteer to be deployed (the backend Docker image should include Chromium).



  • The GPT autocompletion brick now supports files, allowing GPT-4 to extract information from images.

Use v2.6.0

  • Olympe DRAW v2.6.1 / CODE v9.6.0 / Extensions v2.6.1 / Orchestrator v7.2.1 / Toolkit 1.0.2

To check that your Olympe environment is on v2.6.1: log in to DRAW and click on the top-right logo; you'll see the current version you are using.


The Draw version is 2.6.1 instead of 2.6.0 which has been directly deprecated. This is due to a last minute fix included in the Draw version.

CODE update

If you are using coded bricks, please update your package.json file with the following dependencies:

// Dev dependencies:
"@olympeio/toolkit": "1.0.4",
"@olympeio/draw": "2.6.1",

// Dependencies
"@olympeio/runtime-web": "9.6.0",
"@olympeio/runtime-node": "9.6.0",
"@olympeio/core": "2.6.1"
// Olympe Extensions
"@olympeio-extensions/...": "2.6.1"