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Version: 2.3

Data - Static & Runtime Data


For a given Data Type instances are created an manipulated by the application. While instances created by the application via the API are runtime instances that appear in the Runtime Data folder, we can also manually add Static Data with a Static Data Folder brick.

Static Data Folder

Static Data Folders are a way to create pre-defined instances of Models (Objects). Objects can be created, updated and deleted.


Runtime Data

Available in the Project editor as a Tab. It contains object instances of a Data Type created within an app at runtime. The editor also has a + button to create runtime instances like the runtime app does.


Exercise 8 – Categories Data

The goal of this exercise is to define the list of possible note categories.


  1. Go back to Project “Notes”.
  2. Open Folder “Data”.
  3. Create a new Static Data Folder named “Categories”.
  4. Open the new Static Data Folder.
  5. Click on Category.
  6. Add different categories (e.g. ideas, work, …).