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Version: 2.3

High Order Bricks

Since DRAW v1.17 the brick API allow for easy creation of higher order bricks, meaning that we can pass bricks as parameter of other bricks.


More exactly we can pass anonymous inline brick as parameter, but in the near future we will expand this feature to all bricks.

High Order Action

To explore this concept we will implement a functional map function, which takes an array and function (lambda) defining the modification to do on each element of the array. Then returns the modified array when done.

First we need to define our action signature in DRAW:

But what should be the type of callback? We need a function signature that takes the element as an input and returns the modified element as an output. DRAW has a special brick type for this kind of definition called Function Signature which can only be created in advanced mode:

Now we can select our signature for the type of the callback parameter:

We are now ready to implement our brick, generate the boilerplate and replace its content by this:

export default class Map extends ActionBrick {
update($, [array, callback], [forwardEvent, setModifiedArray]) {
Promise.all( // (4) => {
return $.runner(callback) // (1)
.set('element', element) // (2)
.waitFor('modified element'); // (3)
).then(values => {
setModifiedArray(values); // (5)
forwardEvent(); // (6)

Many things are happening here, lets take them in order:

  1. we use the runner() helper to run the callback brick, it returns the runner context
  2. we set the callback parameter element value
  3. we wait for the callback output modified element to have a value (waitFor() returns a Promise)
  4. we wait for the complete array of promises to resolve before going forward
  5. we are done here, we set the output modified array
  6. we trigger the action output control flow

You can now test this brick in DRAW, in an action for example:


We use here the Parse JSON brick to quickly create a test array. The callback function is defined with a Multiply brick that takes the element input and multiply it by 2.

By running this test action we have in the console:

Array: 1,2,3
Modified array: 2,4,6

That's it for our Map!


This Map brick is already available in DRAW, alongside with other functional bricks: For Each, Filter and Reduce.

High Order Function

Functions work the same as Actions in this case, but allow for continuous processing when the inputs change.

High Order Visual Component

Visual Component can also run other visual components. The concept is the same you just have to use a property of type Visual Component.

Here a simple example of a Repeater that has one property renderer of type Visual Component:

export default class Repeater extends VisualBrick {
setupExecution($) {
return $.observe('Renderer', false);

render($, [renderer]) {
const parent = document.createElement('div');
if(renderer) {
const renderer$ = $.runner(renderer).setParentElement(parent);
this.getRepeatedProperties($).forEach(prop => {
renderer$.repeat(prop, $.observe(prop));
return parent;

getRepeatedProperties($) {
return ['Width', 'Height'];

The only difference is that you need to use the setParentElement() method to tell the rendered element where it should be in the DOM.


As for Function Signature you can specify a signature for your visual component using Abstract Visual Component from the Marketplace. It is also only visible in advanced mode.